The Space for Uprooting Whiteness (SfUW) is a weekly space of people committed to confronting and uprooting our relationships to whiteness (white supremacy and domination). The space began in October 2019 at Columbia University’s School of Social Work and was founded on three principles:
Create a space with people categorized as white to interrogate (our own) whiteness without a normative reliance on the labor of people of color.
Support people in building everyday practices of considering and confronting their racial positionality and role(s) in sociopolitical systems of racism.
Challenge people to consistently engage in these practices in their everyday and intimate lives—including commitments to collective struggles and being, knowing, and doing against and beyond whiteness.
Our weekly shared practice involves commitments to consistency, accountability, and embodied reflection. Although the space is intended for folks who are positioned as white, no one will be turned away as all of us have various relationships to whiteness that require confronting and uprooting.
Read more about the space here.
As of July 2022, the group is on hiatus in order to reorganize and restructure.
William R. Frey
Organizer & Co-Facilitator
Noelia Mann